
[reading] Why I read

There is something truly magical about the reading.

I always felt a strong attraction to books. As a teenager I started reading a lot and never really stopped. No one in my family was a reader, but somehow it always felt natural to me. When I was 17 my family moved to a new house, and rebel me decided that I did not want to have a TV in my room to av...Keep reading

[reading] #1 - 2022 Challenge

Let's ready 22 books in 2022

I am not good at setting goals to myself, and tend much more to go with the flow. This year I decided to try something different and instead of going with my usual "reading is important let's read a lot" I set a target to myself.

Why 22 books? It's 2022... so why not? I have no idea how many ...Keep reading

[reading] We never made it to india

#1 - December 26th 2021

(Written by Juan Sklar) A friend gifted me Nunca llegamos a la India (We never made it to India) for my last birthday. It has many of the qualities of what I consider a great gift: it's close eno...Keep reading

[reading] Many Lives, Many Masters

#2 - January 12th 2021

(Written by Brian L. Weiss) One of the Founders that I invested in recommended Many Lives, Many Masters . I knew a bit about Weiss but had not read the book. It's definitely an unusual pick ...Keep reading

[reading] Practicing the Jhanas

#3 - January 14th 2021

(Written by Stephen Snyder) Practicing the Jhanas: Traditional Concentration Meditation as Presented by the Venerable Pa Auk Sayada I may never end this book: why? there is no ...Keep reading

[reading] The Illusion of Free Will

#4 - January 16th 2021

(Written by Sam Harris) The Illusion of Free Will ...Keep reading

[reading] From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds

#5 - reading now

(Written by Daniel C. Dennett) From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds ...Keep reading