
[reading] #1 - 2022 Challenge

Let's ready 22 books in 2022

I am not good at setting goals to myself, and tend much more to go with the flow. This year I decided to try something different and instead of going with my usual "reading is important let's read a lot" I set a target to myself.

Why 22 books? It's 2022... so why not? I have no idea how many books I usually read in a year, and 22 sounded like a good target. Then I can keep adding one book each year and it will be easy to remember! Joke aside, I am a big believer in the power of goal setting, even though I usually to that in my professional life but not that much at a personal level. A good target should be a decent stretch, not too hard and not too easy. 22 felt just right, we will see. I will be reporting a few lines after reaching each book just for accountability reasons, do not expect an in-depth review.